No need to rush so we wandered around down to the river for a look. Great river.
Chatted with John - who is an IT Project Manager who has taken 12 months off and is travelling around. Discussed project failure and other IT stuff before finally having breakfast and packing up.
Cheeky turkey thought it would have a look in my panniers.

We set out around 9.30 am with little motivation as the scenery was basically the same as the last 3 days. Saw this termite mound so thought we should take a picture. The little thing in front is Joe.
Rolled into Bramwell Junction around noon having covered 45 km. Not much here. Booked in for camping had lunch, did washing and showers, some bike maintenance, basically a lazy afternoon.
Had a chat with a young guy who works here. He was very helpful with advice about some of the river crossings
The best part about Bramwell Junction is that the Old Telegraph Track starts here. time for some interesting riding and scenery.
Glad they had these shady areas we could relax in.
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